Friday, January 15, 2010

Could it be that few see the image

I have given much consideration as to why so many who have viewed this photo do not see the image contained therein. I have come to the conclusion that seeing the image has a lot to do with ones expectations. I remember once when my son and daughter-in-law came to the house one evening to visit. I was at the computer with the image on my computer monitor. My daughter-in-law immediately saw the image but my son did not. I still doubt that he sees it unto this day. Still, I have offered this to others who see nothing. So why did my daughter-on-law see it? Only one of a select few who have. She saw the "FACE" in no time. It took me sometime before it became clear to me. My wife had no problem seeing it when I showed her what to look for. I have offered several professionals a look at it and they cannot see it. Richard Hoagland for one. Even "BAMF", Noel Gorelick cannot see the image.
So, does this mean that the image of the FACE is not there? Certainly not. I believe that people are just not able to see it due to their expectations. Who would believe that a "FACE" image is actually on Mars?
Perhaps those of you who read this would ask their wife's, daughters, children, girl friends, or other women in their lives to view this. Perhaps they will see the "FACE" without a problem. The reality is, this photo was taken from a spacecraft above Mars and Noel Gorelick published it for NGC to use for a story in their magazine Janurary of 04. Think it is not there? Look very very carefully and put all expectations out of your mind. Open your eyes to the truth.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gorelick Speaks Out

Gorelick posted..."Why don't you stop gawking at the image I made and make your own image from the raw data instead. Then you don't have to go through all the guessing games about any one's intent."
My response...."Thank you for taking note.. I am honored to hear from you. The questioning about ones intent is for entertainment purposes only. However, I take the image of the "FACE" seriously. Perhaps you would like to comment on this photo in a professional manner. Why exactly was this photo released to NG?"
I am still waiting for his response. I will post when I hear from him...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Did Noel Gorelick Even Know

Did Noel Gorelick even know what was contained in the photograph supplied to NG?
It is plausible that Gorelick had no idea that the "FACE" existed in the Themis image.
Remember, it took me three months before I spotted it. If indeed Gorelick or his team did not see the image contained therein, how wonderful it must be to see it for the first time. What Gorelick has provided is a window for us to see that there is, or was, life that exists beyond that of our own humanity. The thrill of even thinking that we are not alone is worth all the speculation that this one image generates by it's author. Thank you Noel Gorelick.


Monday, July 6, 2009

"Starry Night"

The title is "Starry Night". Gorelick supplied this photo to NG. This is the original, once again. Look closely and you will see the geometric forms in the forehead.

A Closer Look

I had to do some modifications, a little blurring, to show the forehead in a detailed zoom. You can see the geometric formations quite clearly.

By Design

Although it is hard for me not to speculate on the face, I do wish to make the following observations. I made reference to a "city" in the forehead of the "Face". I wish to draw your attention to this area. Looking carefully you will see geometric forms scattered about the area. Now look to the areas outside the "Face" and you will see an "ocean" of natural formations, consistent with what you would expect to see in any non populated area of earth, the moon, or any other planet that we have seen thus far. But in the "Face" the opposite is the norm rather than the exception. I would expect that if Gorelick had intended this as some sort of an hoax, he would have concentrated on the "Face" and slipped it into the final developed film. But upon closer examination, how would he have managed to duplicate such an elaborate scene located in the head of the "Face"? The fact that the "Face" alone would generate much commotion seems to have been enough for one to generate. Hence, it is still my position that this is in no way a "Hoax" perpetrated upon us. Gorleick would have much to loose if this were the case.
By Design rather than of natural formation... The evidence is all around this one image. The enlarged images I have supplied are from the NG printed photograph. You can see the ink dots all through the images. But that does not cause geometric shapes to be formed. In fact, if you look closely at the original photo supplied by Gorelick, you can see them there as well. I chose the NG photo for enlargement because of the clarity of the "Face".
There is much yet to be discovered within the "Face". But one thing stands strong through this. The "FACE" is real and the formations within the head are real.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Final Thoughts

Some final thoughts. There is much I could say about this image. However, I do not wish to speculate on what it really is. My wish is that someone would examine this and point out the obvious, that is is very real. As time goes on I will comment on this. In the meantime, I hope that you will find this interesting and, just like me, demand to know what this really is from NASA...

Reverse Image.

One of the things I did was to reverse this image. I wanted to see if there were any differences without all of the clutter. What you will see first is that the face does not change. Only the negative stands out. However, the "star" shaped image in the forehead area screams out to be seen. I am limited in what I can do with my equipment and I suspect that it will take experts in the field to fully determine what is in this photograph. I wanted to bring you what I could to show that this could not be explained away by the "experts"


Why This Could Not Be a Hoax

The reason this could not be a hoax is that there is to much detail in the photograph. I wish to draw your attention to the forehead of the image. As in the images of Cydonia already provided by NASA, there are
artifacts within the image that appear to be of design. Looking closely in the forehead area, you will see several images that appear to be buildings. There is the largest of them all, the star shaped or pyramid shaped object just above the left eye. I have zoomed several times upon this area and there appears to be a city within the top of the head.
I could not imagine Gorelick devising such imagery within this "Face" to convince "us" that is is real. Especially in light of the fact that no one has of yet posted this anywhere.

What follows are my interpretations
of what "I" see in the photograph. The "Face" has all the features of human recognition. There is a neck, jaw line, nose, eyes, forehead, and ear.
Looking at the eyes, you will notice four distinct points. One on the left eye, as you face it, and three in the right eye. I believe that the eyes are looking out towards the sun. Represented in the left eye, the Sun. In the right eye, the three closet planets, Mercury, Venus and finally the Earth. I have given so much time looking at this image that I have come to several conclusions as to what the "Face" really is. Looking at the head, I see a headdress similar to that of the ones worn by the Egyptians..
Then what is this really? Is this a designed artifact built to be discovered after the demise of the planet Mars? Perhaps. I believe it is very real and that many questions have to be answered as to the nature of this photo.
Why is it in NG? Perhaps it is time for the people of the world to know that there once was life outside our own world. Perhaps Gorelick found an opportunity to expose a secret that he could no longer contain.
Will this be another explained away photo by NASA? Only time will tell. But one thing is for certain, no one can argue it's existence in National Geographic...


If we assume that Gorelick is not to be believed, then what motive would he have to perpetrate such an elaborate hoax? More importantly, to whom is it that he is trying to commit this act? Why would Gorelick jeopardize his position with the space administration and ASU? What I find compelling is that there is no real reason for him not to provide this picture for NG. Could it be that Gorelick simply forgot that it was in his archives? Or did he really know that it was there and wanted us to find it? Perhaps the real reason is never to be known unless Gorelick decides to make a statement about it.
I have enlarged this photo several times. There is just to much there to be considered coincidence...
Themis took this photo using special imaging. It is as if it were looking for "hot spots". What it photographed was this image... There is not controversy here. The image appears as it was taken. It is there and very real. I will point out specifics next.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

More To Come

I have several more images to share with you as well as to bring to your attention formations located within the image. These are not artificial but of design...
Please stay with me...
Let me know what you think.

Scanned Enlarged Images

These are two large images of the photo taken from NG. It is my hope that you will find it as life changing as I have...
More to come...

NG Original Print

National Geographics Altered Image

This scanned image is from the National Geographic magazine. I scanned this image a little larger in hopes that you will see the image...

The Other Face On Mars

This image is from the original web site designed by Noel Gorelick for National Geographic. If you do not see the image at first, be patient. I will supply the photo from NG so that you can make a comparison. Additionally, I have several images of the FACE that I will be posting.
I hope you find it as fascinating as I have...

The Brookings Institute 1960 Report

Sun, 16 Jul 2006 07:38:09 -0500
From: Francis Ridge
Subject: Brookings Report, 1960
Cat: 0
Distribution: CE, SHG, NCP

On December 14, 1960, The Brookings Research Institute in Washington released a report prepared during 1960 for NASA entitled "Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs", including a section entitled "Implications of a Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life". (Commonly referred to as "the Brookings Institute report".) The report discusses effects of meeting extraterrestrial life: "It is possible that if the intelligence of these creatures were sufficiently superior to ours, they would choose to have little if any contact with us. . . " (New York Times, Dec. 15, 1960) The original site for the 219-page report and the 50-page summary is listed below. For security reasons, if the site would go down, the NICAP site also hosts the full documents, also listed below. The article in the NICAP UFO Investigator that announced the release of the report in its Dec/Jan issue is produced below. Recently added is the New York Times article transcript,

SPACE-LIFE REPORT COULD BE SHOCK, UFOI, Vol. I, No. II (Dec 1960 - Jan 1961 issue)

The discovery of intelligent space beings could have a severe effect on the public, according to a research report released by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The report warned that America should prepare to meet the psychological impact of such a revelation.

The 190-page report was the result of a $96,000 one-year study conducted by the Brookings Institution for NASA's long-range study committee.

Public realization that intelligent beings live on other planets could bring about profound changes, or even the collapse of our civilization, the research report stated.

"Societies sure of their own place have disintegrated when confronted by a superior society," said the NASA report. "Others have survived even though changed. Clearly, the better we can come to understand the factors involved in responding to such crises the better prepared we may be."

Although the research group did not expect any immediate contact with other planet beings, it said that the discovery of intelligent space races "could nevertheless happen at any time."

Even though the UFO problem was not indicated as a reason for the study, it undoubtedly was an important factor. Fear of public reaction to an admission of UFO reality was cited as the main reason for secrecy in the early years of the AF investigation. (Confirmed to NICAP's present director in 1952-3, when the AF was planning to release important UFO reports, also the famous Utah motion-pictures of a UFO formation.)

Radio communication probably would be the first proof of other intelligent life, says the NASA report. It adds: "Evidences of its existence might also be found in artifacts left on the moon or other planets."

This report gives weight to previous thinking by scholars who have suggested that the earth already may be under close scrutiny by advanced space races. In 1958, Prof. Harold D. Lasswell of the Yale Law School stated:

"The implications of the UFOs may be that we are already viewed with suspicion by more advanced civilizations and that our attempts to gain a foothold elsewhere may be rebuffed as a threat to other systems of public order." (UFO Investigator, Dec. 1958.)

The NASA warning of a possible shock to the public, from the revelation of more advanced civilizations, support's NICAP's previous arguments against AF secrecy about UFOs. All available information about UFOs should be given to the public now, so that we will be prepared for any eventuality.

I was three when this report came out.. The photo was released when I was 48. It is interesting that the government still holds on to this thinking. It could be the underlining reason Gorleck chose to disseminate the photo to NG.

What did Noel Gorelick Know and When did He know It..

Why would Noel Gorelick allow the upcoming photo to be used by National Geographic (NG) in their article?
I have given this considerable thought for the past five years. Honestly, I do not have the answer to this day. Going on a conspiracy theory, let us examine what Gorelick may have wanted to accomplish. If you were to Google his name, Mr.
Gorelick has had considerable criticism. Author Richard Hoagland of the web site "The Enterprise Mission",,
is a "nemesis" of Noel

What would compel
Gorelick to submit a photo with potential historic implications to NG?

Based on what I have been able to deduce... "What better way than to hide it!"
Put it out in plain sight, and no one would expect to see it there. Thus, making this one of the best, well hidden treasures in all of mankind. Just imagine, taking this photo from the lab and allowing it to be published in plain sight for millions to see. Well, that seems to be the problem. No one yet seems to have seen or recognize it, except myself and a few trusted friends.
Standing on the conspiracy theory, I could see why Gorelick would do this. According to the 1960
Brookings Report the world would somehow panic if something like this were made public. The government would not stand for this kind of civil disobedience. Consider now that the government has made any space objects landing on earth "TOP SECRET"...
Perhaps Noel
Gorelick wanted the general public to have access to this kind of information. He would give this information to one of the worlds most respected authoritative magazines, National Geographic. I suspect that Gorlick wanted someone to find this photo and make it's image public, although it already has been made so by NG. Thus making this one of the most interesting conspiracy theories to date.
Look for the Brookings Institure report next..

The Legal Stuff

The stuff this site is made of.. Please read this as I do have copyrights to this blog and the information contained therein:

All materials on this web site are authored and copy written by Hrallen, unless otherwise noted. Individual comments may not be re-posted and reprinted unless Hrallen is notified in writing, given full credit, a link is provided to this web site, and Hrallen has granted permission. No portion of this web site may be used for commercial applications. The photos contained within this web site may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the agencies listed, or that of Hrallen. All national and international laws apply to the reproduction and re-posting of the photographs listed on this site.

The purpose of this site is to inform and entertain. No scientific data or interpretation is represented or implied. All comments and observations are solely those of Hrallen and do not reflect on any groups, agencies, or persons. Any comment(s) that appear speculative in nature are based on upon prior written statements and should not necessarily be considered as truth. Statements contained within this article are not to be interpreted as defamatory to any person or groups. As with any published material(s) that prove themselves controversial, reasonable questions are authored.


"The E-Mail"

>Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 14:05:51 -0700
>From: Noel Gorelick
>To: Hrallen
>Subject: Re: Mars northern plains images
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i
>On Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 01:16:27PM -0400, Hrallen wrote:
> > Photos were supplied to the National Geographic Society for its
> > January 2004 issue on Mars. I would like to secure a copy of the
> > originals for a project that I am currently working on. However, I
> > cannot seem to find
> all
> > of the images supplied to NGS. Most were from ASU, Noel Gorelick.
> > I sent him an e-mail 3 weeks ago with no response. I am most
> > interested in the images of Themis infared of the Mars northern
> > plains as depicted in the article. However, I cannot use the photos
> > of NGS due to their editorial on the images. Do you have a link to
> > where I can find all of
> the
> > photos?
> > I would greatly appreciate any help you can provide. ( I have been
> through
> > several links on the web from various sources including
> > Nasa and JPL but to no avail for these images.)
>Sorry, it appear your previous email to me was flagged by the
>University's spam filters, so I never saw it.
>The images used in the national geographic article are available here:
>You may use them for any non-commercial purpose. Depending on what
>you're trying to accomplish, I may have better images that you could
>use instead; these were made pretty early in the mission, mostly by
>hand, and our software and techniques have improved a lot since then.
>Noel Gorelick (deleted)
>Software Manager
>Mars Space Flight Facility
>Arizona State University

>Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 18:05:45 -0700
>From: Noel Gorelick
>Subject: Re: Mars northern plains images
>To: Hrallen
>X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.4i
>On Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 06:46:21PM -0400, Hrallen wrote:
> > Mr. Gorelick,
> > I have looked at the images posted at the web site. My question
> > is,
> why
> > are the images posted less sharp than what are published in the NGS?
>With the exception of fig28, those are all the original images that
>were provided to NG; they had me redo fig28 a couple of times before
>they finally went to press (see melting_v22.png). I think I recall
>they also had me color-separate the pinwheel crater image.
>Part of what makes NG such a good magazine is that they know how to
>make everything look good in print. It's likely the did some addtional
>contrast and color enhancements.
>Noel Gorelick (deleted)
>Software Manager
>Mars Space Flight Facility
>Arizona State University

Noel Gorelick...

Having started my investigation, I went to the main source who supplied the photos to "NG", Noel Gorleick of Arizona State University. It took me sometime to finally get an e-mail pushed through to him to respond to my questions. Noel Gorelick is the software manager for the Mars Space Flight Facility at Arizona State University. It was his software that allowed the photographs from "Themis" to be taken. Although the site created by Mr. Gorelick no longer exists for National Geographic, I have supplied the e-mail between us relating to this article..

Next Stop, National Geographic Magazine

What has turned out to be a find of a life time, for me, all started with this magazine in 2004. My in-laws give me their copies of the National Geographic magazine every quarter after they have read them. I received this special edition in July of 2004. It wasn't until September of that year that I discovered the secret that lay inside.
It will be a while before I reveal the secret, so I wish to take the opportunity to give you all the background I can before the unveiling.
The article," Mars Is There Life in the Ancient Ice?" starts on page six of this edition and ends on page 32. Filled with several photographs, it is perhaps one of the best articles
NG has done in quite some time. Having a particular interest in such things, I read the article and studied the photos contained there-in. Not only did I read the article once, but on several occasions. I would match that time with the study of the photographs, which I found of extreme interest. Then, in September of 2004, I finally saw the image. Not at all hidden in the last photograph of the article sat my life changing image. I could not believe my eyes. I took the magazine to my wife, had her look the photograph over for herself, and she finally saw it too.
Now that I had
discovered this incredible image, I was at odds as to what to do with it. This started my five year investigation into the whys and hows of this image being not only supplied to NG, but why they would publish it...

1976 vs 2001

To support NASA's assertion that the image photographed in 2001 is the same as that captured by Viking in 1976, NASA provides a side by side comparison.
While the debate continues on between the two sides over these images, I offer them only as history to what I plan on bringing to you.

Mars Global Surveyor

Since the release of the 2001 photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor, many now claim that the evidence is strong to the design of the formation, rather than of natural formation. Sparking new interest in the the Face and Cydonia, the debate continues between those who believe and those who denounce it's existance.

It all started in 1976

July 25, 1976... While looking for a place for Viking Orbiter 2 to land on Mars, Viking Orbiter 1 photographed a region of buttes and mesas along the escarpment that separates heavily cratered highlands to the south from low lying, relatively crater-free, lowland plains to the north. Among the hills was one that, to the Viking investigators scrutinizing the images for likely landing sites, resembled a face.
Since the release of this photo, many have claimed that the face is artificially shaped. They insist that the Cydonia area is littered with other shapes that also appear to be artificial in nature. Those who insist that these images are not natural ignore the statements by NASA to the contrary. Even so, in an effort to prove that the face is not artificial, NASA did something unprecedented.

April 2001 NASA, using the Mars Global Surveyor, re-photographed the region releasing photographs, which NASA claims, details the area in superior definition. Although the efforts of NASA was to prove beyond a doubt that the Face was nothing more than a formation, the photographs only fuels the belief that the Face is artificially designed.

See next post....

Friday, June 19, 2009

From Sony Pictures 2012

Click on the link above to view the new movie 2012 from Sony Pictures due out this November...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Earth and Sun

Only the hand of God could have created this magnificent display...

2012 according to NASA

NASA on the 2012 Venus event. Interesting reading...

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License