Please stay with me...
Let me know what you think.
an elaborate hoax? or "COULD THIS BE VERY REAL!"
These are two large images of the photo taken from NG. It is my hope that you will find it as life changing as I have...
More to come...
Sun, 16 Jul 2006 07:38:09 -0500
From: Francis Ridge
Subject: Brookings Report, 1960
Cat: 0
Distribution: CE, SHG, NCP
On December 14, 1960, The Brookings Research Institute in Washington released a report prepared during 1960 for NASA entitled "Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs", including a section entitled "Implications of a Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life". (Commonly referred to as "the Brookings Institute report".) The report discusses effects of meeting extraterrestrial life: "It is possible that if the intelligence of these creatures were sufficiently superior to ours, they would choose to have little if any contact with us. . . " (New York Times, Dec. 15, 1960) The original site for the 219-page report and the 50-page summary is listed below. For security reasons, if the site would go down, the NICAP site also hosts the full documents, also listed below. The article in the NICAP UFO Investigator that announced the release of the report in its Dec/Jan issue is produced below. Recently added is the New York Times article transcript,
The stuff this site is made of.. Please read this as I do have copyrights to this blog and the information contained therein:
All materials on this web site are authored and copy written by Hrallen, unless otherwise noted. Individual comments may not be re-posted and reprinted unless Hrallen is notified in writing, given full credit, a link is provided to this web site, and Hrallen has granted permission. No portion of this web site may be used for commercial applications. The photos contained within this web site may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the agencies listed, or that of Hrallen. All national and international laws apply to the reproduction and re-posting of the photographs listed on this site.
The purpose of this site is to inform and entertain. No scientific data or interpretation is represented or implied. All comments and observations are solely those of Hrallen and do not reflect on any groups, agencies, or persons. Any comment(s) that appear speculative in nature are based on upon prior written statements and should not necessarily be considered as truth. Statements contained within this article are not to be interpreted as defamatory to any person or groups. As with any published material(s) that prove themselves controversial, reasonable questions are authored.
>Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 14:05:51 -0700
>From: Noel Gorelick
>To: Hrallen
>Subject: Re: Mars northern plains images
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i
>On Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 01:16:27PM -0400, Hrallen wrote:
> > Photos were supplied to the National Geographic Society for its
> > January 2004 issue on Mars. I would like to secure a copy of the
> > originals for a project that I am currently working on. However, I
> > cannot seem to find
> all
> > of the images supplied to NGS. Most were from ASU, Noel Gorelick.
> > I sent him an e-mail 3 weeks ago with no response. I am most
> > interested in the images of Themis infared of the Mars northern
> > plains as depicted in the article. However, I cannot use the photos
> > of NGS due to their editorial on the images. Do you have a link to
> > where I can find all of
> the
> > photos?
> > I would greatly appreciate any help you can provide. ( I have been
> through
> > several links on the web from various sources including
> > Nasa and JPL but to no avail for these images.)
>Sorry, it appear your previous email to me was flagged by the
>University's spam filters, so I never saw it.
>The images used in the national geographic article are available here:
>You may use them for any non-commercial purpose. Depending on what
>you're trying to accomplish, I may have better images that you could
>use instead; these were made pretty early in the mission, mostly by
>hand, and our software and techniques have improved a lot since then.
>Noel Gorelick (deleted)
>Software Manager
>Mars Space Flight Facility
>Arizona State University
>Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 18:05:45 -0700
>From: Noel Gorelick
>Subject: Re: Mars northern plains images
>To: Hrallen
>X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.4i
>On Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 06:46:21PM -0400, Hrallen wrote:
> > Mr. Gorelick,
> > I have looked at the images posted at the web site. My question
> > is,
> why
> > are the images posted less sharp than what are published in the NGS?
>With the exception of fig28, those are all the original images that
>were provided to NG; they had me redo fig28 a couple of times before
>they finally went to press (see melting_v22.png). I think I recall
>they also had me color-separate the pinwheel crater image.
>Part of what makes NG such a good magazine is that they know how to
>make everything look good in print. It's likely the did some addtional
>contrast and color enhancements.
>Noel Gorelick (deleted)
>Software Manager
>Mars Space Flight Facility
>Arizona State University
To support NASA's assertion that the image photographed in 2001 is the same as that captured by Viking in 1976, NASA provides a side by side comparison.
While the debate continues on between the two sides over these images, I offer them only as history to what I plan on bringing to you.
Since the release of the 2001 photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor, many now claim that the evidence is strong to the design of the formation, rather than of natural formation. Sparking new interest in the the Face and Cydonia, the debate continues between those who believe and those who denounce it's existance.
July 25, 1976... While looking for a place for Viking Orbiter 2 to land on Mars, Viking Orbiter 1 photographed a region of buttes and mesas along the escarpment that separates heavily cratered highlands to the south from low lying, relatively crater-free, lowland plains to the north. Among the hills was one that, to the Viking investigators scrutinizing the images for likely landing sites, resembled a face.
Since the release of this photo, many have claimed that the face is artificially shaped. They insist that the Cydonia area is littered with other shapes that also appear to be artificial in nature. Those who insist that these images are not natural ignore the statements by NASA to the contrary. Even so, in an effort to prove that the face is not artificial, NASA did something unprecedented.
April 2001 NASA, using the Mars Global Surveyor, re-photographed the region releasing photographs, which NASA claims, details the area in superior definition. Although the efforts of NASA was to prove beyond a doubt that the Face was nothing more than a formation, the photographs only fuels the belief that the Face is artificially designed.
See next post....