Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gorelick Speaks Out

Gorelick posted..."Why don't you stop gawking at the image I made and make your own image from the raw data instead. Then you don't have to go through all the guessing games about any one's intent."
My response...."Thank you for taking note.. I am honored to hear from you. The questioning about ones intent is for entertainment purposes only. However, I take the image of the "FACE" seriously. Perhaps you would like to comment on this photo in a professional manner. Why exactly was this photo released to NG?"
I am still waiting for his response. I will post when I hear from him...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Did Noel Gorelick Even Know

Did Noel Gorelick even know what was contained in the photograph supplied to NG?
It is plausible that Gorelick had no idea that the "FACE" existed in the Themis image.
Remember, it took me three months before I spotted it. If indeed Gorelick or his team did not see the image contained therein, how wonderful it must be to see it for the first time. What Gorelick has provided is a window for us to see that there is, or was, life that exists beyond that of our own humanity. The thrill of even thinking that we are not alone is worth all the speculation that this one image generates by it's author. Thank you Noel Gorelick.


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